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The school provides daily nutritional hot meals at a cost of £2.60 for those children in Nursery, Years 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 currently receive Universal Infant Free School Meals.

Meals should be paid for on the day that you want your child to have a school meal. If your child’s account is in arrears they will not be able to take a school meal until the balance has been cleared.

School meals are available free of charge to all families who fulfil a set criteria. If your child is eligible for free school meals, the school receives a sum of money to further support them while in school known as the Pupil Premium. We would encourage all families that think they may be eligible for free school meals to register with the appropriate authority, even if their child does not want to take a hot school meal every day.

To qualify for free school meals you must fulfil one of the following criteria:-

  • be in receipt of income support/income based job seekers allowance or income related employment and support allowance;
  • be entitled to child tax credit but not receiving working tax credit and your annual income must be below the threshold set by the government;
  • be receiving support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999;
  • be in receipt of the guarantee credit element of pension credit;
  • be entitled to the 4 week run on of working tax credit due to employment ending.

You can apply on-line at

Easington Primary Academy now uses a site called ParentPay to allow parents and carers to pay for their child’s meals online.  When your child starts school the office staff will provide you with a username and password. If you have lost your username or password please contact the school office who will supply you with the details. 


School Menus can be found here:


Easington Menu wk1

Easington Menu wk2

Easington Menu wk3